Life After Ateneo: Chito’s Speech For AdDU-CEA Technical Exhibit 2012

Hubby delivered a short speech during the AdDU – CEA Technical Exhibit on March 10, 2012 at Abreeza Mall. He shared how graduating in Ateneo has influenced his post-academic life.

Good evening.

I am so happy to be here, in the company of friends, schoolmates, my former college teachers – who have become my friends as well – and the Engineering and Architecture community of Ateneo. This kind of gathering brings back great memories of my college years.

I remember my first year in Ateneo de Davao. That was 16 years ago, back when I was 16 kilos lighter. When I look back now at my college years, life seemed to be simple. But during THOSE years, it was anything but simple. Imagine waking up very early to attend a class at 7:40 in the morning to learn Chemistry. CHEMISTRY! That was a heavy subject so early in the day.

But I was fortunate enough to begin the day listening to the lectures of one of the most infuential Chemistry professors in the Ateneo: Miss Teresa Uy. In fact, it was Ma’am Uy who sparked my love for chemistry and inspired me to become an instructor in Ateneo. I spent 3 semesters teaching mathematics and Chemical Engineering Calculations from 2003 to 2004.

I also remember learning Unit Operations from someone who I believe many of us consider as the father of Engineering in the Ateneo: Engr. Paul Abrina. Apart from sharing his knowledge, Sir Paul has also taught me the concept of “reaching out to your people”. Sir Paul was more than a professor to many of the Ateneo Engineering alumni. He talked to his students about things outside the scope of academics. He joined us in bowling, watching movies, and eating out.

It’s the same mantra that I follow during my work in the industry. Because the people are the most important asset of any company, I make sure that the people who work with me feel good about working with me. In my current position as Brewing Superintendent in San Miguel, I talk to operators and technicians about their family life and their interests. As a result, I also feel good working with people whom I have established good relationships with.

Another Ateneo professor who followed a similar concept is Engr. Eva Marie Mendoza. During our class in Chemical Process Industries, she is your typical teacher: prim and proper, calm and collected. But outside the bounds of academics and school, she is a fun and bubbly person whose company I enjoy. Through Ate Eva, I learned that I can be serious at work and fun outside work.

I have also had the privilege of learning from Engr. Gardenia Beramo, not only about mathematics, but also about spirituality. Ma’am Gardz was consistent in opening and closing the class with a prayer, and she also shared her insights on current events and how they relate to morals and the teachings of the Church. As a superintendent, I also try to inspire my people to do good.

All in all, life is all about relationships. Yes, I am blessed with the knowledge and education from Ateneo de Davao, and I’m also blessed with the job opportunities that have landed on my lap because of Ateneo. But more importantly, I have learned the importance of building relationships through the influence of Ateneo.

So, a while ago when I said “I am happy to be here”, I really meant that. And I’m eager not only to reunite with my college friends and teachers, but also to establish new relationships with my fellow Engineering alumni.

Let us all enjoy tonight’s celebration. Good evening.

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