Greenwich Pizza Camp For Your Kids

My sister-in-law took niece Shana to the Greenwich Pizza Camp and I went along as an official photographer. The activity, held every Thursday in Greenwich – NCCC, was scheduled to start at 8 AM, but it actually did at 8:40. ‘Pizza Master’ Mitch greeted the kids and gave a short lecture on how Greenwich started as a small pizza outlet in Greenhills and how it became the No. 1 Pizza Chain in the Philippines (according to the lecture, that is).

games at the pizza camp

The kids played games, had a kitchen tour and of course, the highlight of the event, made their own pizzas. I think this is a great idea from Greenwich as the activity allows the kids to appreciate and learn the process of preparing the food, and not just eating it. They also learn proper hand washing techniques before preparing and/or eating food. This is also a venue for kids to mingle with others, thereby enhancing their social skills.

kids listening to Pizza Master

I was also surprised that registration is very affordable. For a minimum fee of PhP 100.00, your kid can already join the Pizza Camp! The fee includes the ingredients for the solo pizza they will prepare (and eat afterwards), drinks, apron, hair net, certificate (that they are now official pizza makers!) and prizes for the winners of the different games.

Check the pizza made by Shana below.

shana's pizza

shana making her pizza

The activity ended at 10 AM, just about the time the mall opened. Perfect.

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