Davao City Curfew, Liquor Ban, Videoke, and Other Updates

Davao City’s curfew, liquor ban and other guidelines are back effective October 15, 2020.

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 55 Series of 2020

SECTION 1. CURFEW. A curfew shall be imposed on individuals in all public places from 7PM to 5AM every day, except:
A. All government workers who are on duty during curfew hours;
B. All private offices and establishments employees who time in and time out of work within the curfew hours, this shall mean to include their travel to and
from their residence;
C. All medical doctors and veterinarians who need to work;
D. Workers of public utility companies (energy, water, internet, etc.) conducting
construction, maintenance or emergency activities;
E. Subsistence and business fishing activities, their vessels are subject to lawful
inspection by the Maritime Police, Task Force Davao, Navy or Coast Guard, if there is a reasonable belief that there is illegal activity or unlawful materials in the vessel;
F. Individuals attending the wake of a family member;
G. All medical, emergency and disaster cases.
The curfew shall cover only individuals, however, offices, establishments, places of worship, and other institutions are encouraged to adjust their operating hours accordingly.
The presentation of an employee’s ID of an establishment operating within the curfew hours shall be required for individuals who are inspected on the streets or stopped in checkpoints.

SECTION 2. LIQUOR BAN. A liquor ban shall be implemented from 7PM to 5AM every day. Drinking in public places such as roads, alleys, open spaces, and other similar places is prohibited every day at any given time.

SECTION 3. SARI-SARI STORES. All sari-sari stores must close from 7PM to 5AM every day.

SECTION 4. PRIVATE VIDEOKE/KARAOKE. All videoke and karaoke inside private property shall be prohibited from 10PM to 5AM every day. The Purok Leader can require police assistance at any time of the day to turn off a videoke/karaoke, if the sound volume has become disruptive to the neighbors of the owner of the machine/equipment.

SECTION 5. PUBLIC VIDEOKE/KARAOKE. All public venues and establishments that do not have a business permit to operate as a videoke, karaoke or sing-along place shall be prohibited to operate their equipment 24 hours a day.

SECTION 6. PENALTIES. All existing applicable laws and ordinances shall be pursued against those who fail to follow the provisions of this Executive Order.

SECTION 7. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If any provision of this Executive Order is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.

SECTION 8. REPEALING CLAUSE. All Orders or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 9. EFFECTIVITY. This Order shall take effect on 12 noon of October 15, 2020.

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