Kadayawan Sa Dabaw 2015 Excitement Builds Up!

Davao’s annual reason for eating crates upon crates of durian and dancing wildly on the streets is still more than three months away, but it’s never too early to drum up excitement for the festival of bounties.

The Davao City Information Office (CIO) just released a teaser for Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2015, which sets sail on August 17-23, 2015.

Although the main events will happen during that week, expect lots of activities through the whole month of August.

As early as now, let’s all prepare our senses for the upcoming feast that is Kadayawan!

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Kadayawan sa Dabaw

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Madayaw na Kadayawan kanatong tanan! It's the season to celebrate and be thankful for the bounty we enjoy here in Davao!

One comment

  1. 2015 ‪#‎Kadayawan‬ celebration at Damosa Gateway brought to you by Damosa Land.

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