Night at the Museum at Gaisano Mall of Davao

Night at the Museum 2It’s been quite a while since we last watched a movie at Gaisano Mall. After dinner last night with Hubby and niece Dianne, we decided to watch “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” at Gaisano Cinema 4.

We were happily surprised to learn that Gaisano Mall has renovated their cinemas. From the flooring to the seats, and even the comfort rooms, everything was impressively better. The “Superman” and “Wonder Woman” posters on the comfort rooms’ doors were just a bit too cheesy, though (they kind of reminded me of John Lloyd’s pizza ad — cheesy!).

Although the place definitely looks much better now than it was a year before, we still think that NCCC cinemas offer the best sound quality among all the movie houses in the city.

What about the movie? Well, it was very entertaining. To read more about what we have to say about it, check our movie review at FilmSteak.

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One comment

  1. good to know that they had the cinemas renovated. i miss davao so much. might just come over there soon to try the new cinemas. hehehe

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